Aitor Ameztegui
Postdoctoral fellow |
I am currently a postdoctoral (Juan de la Cierva) research fellow at CREAF, and an Associated Researcher at the Forest Functioning and Dynamics Lab of CEMFOR-CTFC (Catalonia, Spain). My main research project aims at assessing the mid-term regeneration dynamics and forest resilience following disturbance events. My research interests also include understanding how different forest management approaches may interact with climate change,studying the mechanisms that drive forest dynamics and species coexistence, and assessing the causes and consequences of forest expansion in mountain areas. I completed a PhD in Forest Sciences at the Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia (CTFC) in 2013; and between 2013 and 2015 I completed a postdoctoral stage at the Centre of Forest Research (CEF) of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM, Canada)
To know more about my research, you can visit my website.
To know more about my research, you can visit my website.
Selected publications
Causes and consecuences of forest expansion
Forest management in the face of global change
Species co-existence and mixed-forest dynamics
- Land-use legacies rather than climate change drive the upward shift of the treeline in the Pyrenees
- Land-use changes as major drivers of Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) expansion in the Pyrenees
- Herbivory and seedling establishment in mountain Pyrenean forests
Forest management in the face of global change
- Diversifying sub-Mediterranean pinewoods with oak species in a context of assisted migration
- Assessing tree germination resilience to global warming: A manipulative experiment using sugar maple
- Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics: the case of montane-subalpine Pyrenean ecotones
- Cross-scale integration of knowledge for predicting species ranges
- Previous experiences and divergent political views drive perceptions on climate change impacts in the Canadian forest sector
Species co-existence and mixed-forest dynamics
- Shade tolerance and the functional trait - demography relationship in temperate and boreal forests
- Tree dynamics and coexistence in the montane-subalpine ecotone: the role of different light-induced strategies
- Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species along environmental gradients
- Birch and conifer deadwood favour early establishment and shade tolerance in yellow birch juveniles growing on sugar maple stands