Ongoing Projects

- Title: Forest resilience in a changing context: The role of stand attributes, disturbance characteristics and management techniques (AGL2012-40039-C02-01)
- Funded by: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (2013-2015)
A first part of the project will thus focus on the analysis of how the interaction between the stand attributes and the disturbance characteristics (type, size, speed) modulates the response of the forest vegetation after the occurrence of the pertubation. The second part will focus in the dynamics of a forest ecosystem largely distributed in the Iberian Peninsula that presents a particular vulnerability in the face of disturbances: the monospecific Pinus stands originated either from past reforestation programs or from rapid colonization processes of abandoned areas. Finally the project will evaluate the use of different resprouting species in the understory of conifer forests as a way to increase the response-type diversity of the ecosystem where diversification processes do not occur naturally.
- Related publications
Martín-Alcón S., Coll L., Salekin S. (2015) Stand-level drivers of tree-species diversification in Mediterranean pine forests after abandonment of traditional practices. Forest Ecology and Management 353: 107-117.
Martín-Alcón S., Coll L., De Cáceres M., Cabré M., Just A., González-Olabarría J.R. (2015) Combining aerial LiDAR and multi-spectral imagery to assess post-fire regeneration types in a Mediterranean forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Reserach 45(7): 856-866.

- Title: Integrated research on forest resilience and management in the Mediterranean.
- Funded by: ERANET Foresterra (2015-2017)

- Title: Pasado, presente y futuro de los bosques de montaña: seguimiento y modelización de los efectos del cambio climático y la gestión sobre la dinámica forestal
- Funded by: Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales (2014-2016)
El seguimiento de la estructura y dinámica de los bosques a distintas escalas espaciales y temporales es fundamental para evaluar y pronosticar su respuesta a los cambios de clima y de gestión. Este seguimiento es imprescindible para el diseño de estrategias de conservación en los espacios naturales protegidos.
El objetivo del presente proyecto es estudiar la dinámica forestal usando como casos de estudio los movimientos altitudinales de ecotonos forestales y cambios en la dominancia de especies arbóreas como consecuencia de procesos de decaimiento. Para ello se usarán modelos espacio-temporales que integren diferentes escalas espaciales, incorporando datos de estructura local obtenidos a partir de imágenes estereoscópicas hemisféricas, datos de la dinámica forestal a escala regional derivada de imágenes aéreas y de satélite combinadas con datos LiDAR y series dendrocronológicas. El proyecto se desarrollará en los Parques Nacionales de montaña (Ordesa y Monte Perdido, Sierra Nevada, Aiguestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Picos de Europa y Sierra de Guadarrama) abarcando así un amplio gradiente climático, biogeográfico y de historia de usos.

- Title: New and old world perspectives for forest ecology and management in a context of global change (NEWFOREST).
- Funded by: European Commission. Marie Curie Actions – IRSES. (2014-2017)
The aim of this project is to create a competitive platform at the international level to analyse the responses of forest ecosystems to global changes and integrate current knowledge in sound and innovative forest management and planning approaches. The general objective of the program is to determine how to effectively integrate woodland Management (including non-management options) into strategies aimed to adjust and mitigate global change. The program is organized in 5 thematic work packages ranging from the basic understanding of forests dynamics, biodiversity and functioning (WP 1 and 2) to research on interactions between global change drivers determining disturbances regimes (WP 3) and the integration of the gathered knowledge into advanced modelling tools (WP 4) and sound management guidelines at different spatial scales (WP 5). Finally, a project management (WP 6) depicts the practical organisation and management of the project.
A fundamental aspect of the program is that it stresses not only the responsibility of human society as a major driver of global change, but also recognizes that we have an opportunity to mitigate this change through informed, proper management.