The promotion of diversified forests is gaining currency as an appropriate management strategy to improve, on the one hand, stand productivity and, on the other hand, stand adaptability to environmental variations, including changes in disturbance regimes.
In our research group we study the dynamics and functioning of mixed-forests from two different perspectives: First we are interested in advancing on the knowledge of the ecological factors driving tree-species diversification in Mediterranean forest stands, and we use, for this purpose, the long-term-managed black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii) forest of the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees as study-case. Second, we aim to shed light on the potential changes that climate change can induce in the dynamics and functioning of the conifer-mixed forests constitutiong the montane-subalpine ecotone of the Pyrenean range. The abovementioned research lines are addressed using a multiscale approach (from the plant to the landscape level) and wide combination of methodologies and analytical approaches.
In our research group we study the dynamics and functioning of mixed-forests from two different perspectives: First we are interested in advancing on the knowledge of the ecological factors driving tree-species diversification in Mediterranean forest stands, and we use, for this purpose, the long-term-managed black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii) forest of the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees as study-case. Second, we aim to shed light on the potential changes that climate change can induce in the dynamics and functioning of the conifer-mixed forests constitutiong the montane-subalpine ecotone of the Pyrenean range. The abovementioned research lines are addressed using a multiscale approach (from the plant to the landscape level) and wide combination of methodologies and analytical approaches.
Related publications
Martín-Alcón S., Coll L., Salekin S. (2015) Stand-level drivers of tree-species diversification in Mediterranean pine forests after abandonment of traditional practices. Forest Ecology and Management 353: 107-117.
Ameztegui A, Coll L, Messier C. (2015) Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics: The case of montane–subalpine Pyrenean ecotones. Ecological Modelling 313: 84-93.
Ameztegui, A.; Coll, L. (2013) Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species under environmental gradients. Forest Ecology and Management 303: 25-34.
Ameztegui, A.; Coll, L.; Benavides, R.; Valladares, F.; Paquette, A. (2012) Understory light predictions in conifer-mixed forests: the role of aspect-induced variation in crown geometry and openness. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 52-61.
Coll L., Camarero J.J., Martínez de Aragón J. (2012) Fine roots seasonal dynamics, plasticity and mycorrhization in two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology. Ecoscience 19(3): 238-245.
Ameztegui A., Coll L. (2011)Tree dynamics and coexistence in the montane-subalpine ecotone: the role of different light-induced strategies. Journal of Vegetation Science 22(6): 1049-1061.
Ameztegui A, Coll L, Messier C. (2015) Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics: The case of montane–subalpine Pyrenean ecotones. Ecological Modelling 313: 84-93.
Ameztegui, A.; Coll, L. (2013) Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species under environmental gradients. Forest Ecology and Management 303: 25-34.
Ameztegui, A.; Coll, L.; Benavides, R.; Valladares, F.; Paquette, A. (2012) Understory light predictions in conifer-mixed forests: the role of aspect-induced variation in crown geometry and openness. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 52-61.
Coll L., Camarero J.J., Martínez de Aragón J. (2012) Fine roots seasonal dynamics, plasticity and mycorrhization in two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology. Ecoscience 19(3): 238-245.
Ameztegui A., Coll L. (2011)Tree dynamics and coexistence in the montane-subalpine ecotone: the role of different light-induced strategies. Journal of Vegetation Science 22(6): 1049-1061.